
Die machinery products will achieve numerical control

Release time:2022-06-27 17:33    click:1

Since the outbreak of the third revolution, digitalization and intelligence have begun to ascend the stage of history. The third industrial revolution is mainly embodied in design product innovation, industrial model innovation and manufacturing technology innovation. Among them, the innovation of numerical control and intelligent mechanical products is particularly prominent.

Numerical control machine tool is one of the models of applying numerical control technology innovation machinery products. Mold expert Luo Baihui said, to the numerical control and intelligent injection molding machine as an example, China is the world's largest injection molding machine producer, production occupies more than 70% of the world's annual capacity, but in high-end products, far behind the world's advanced level. The development of injection molding machine has been to the all-electric evolution, this numerical control technology innovation can achieve energy supply on demand, reduce 40% to 80% of the electrical energy consumption, and has the advantages of high processing accuracy and stability, high production efficiency, low noise, no pollution and so on. The intelligent CNC injection molding machine further realized automatic optimization of process, automatic product sorting, automatic process monitoring and other functions, to achieve higher efficiency, precision and energy saving effect.

  • 0752-6903819
  • 6909613/6903989/6909623
  • Shiwan Science Park, Shiwan Town, BOLUO County, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province
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